Friday, 17 February 2012

Top 10 Trader Ribbons Winners – Thurs. 16th

Hey Tinkas!

Pennie recently posted the Top 10 Trader Ribbon Winners of Thursday 16th! Here it is!

Trader Bumbleunder's Top Ten Trader Ribbon winners
Here are the latest Top 10 winners of the Trader Ribbon on Valentines day! Congrats all of you for trading first with all the red and pink stuff today.
1. Carbon
2. penguitt
3. iDylan
4. Hisup
5. Journey
6. veggie master
7. Viper
8. LImey
9. Cheweh
10. Marta
Well done also to the “Nifty Fifty”, the first 50 Tinkas who traded and received the ribbon.
Keep an eye on the Tinkazette for a heads-up on the Trader’s next appearance! 
Congrats! Plus in other news iDylan has reached 100,000 Blings! He is the first one to collect that amount of blings! He is awesome! Are you in this list? Post a comment with your say!


Thursday, 16 February 2012

New Unusuals - February 16th 2012

Hey Tinkas!

Today Tinkatolli released some new unusuals! They are awesome! Tinkas had to wait a few hours into the day! Here they are!

Scout: 2500 Seeds
The Not Cute Egg: 20,000 Seeds
George Cutey: 20,000 Seeds
Stegosaurous: 18,000 Seeds
Chompers: 15,000 Seeds
Simian Link: 2500 Seeds
Orb of Massive Heaviness No.8: 10,000 Seeds
Eau de Pew: 10,000 Seeds
Frosty the Flamer: 20,000 Seeds

A Total of 118,000 Seeds! The prices are too expensive I think. What do you think? Post a comment with your opinion!


Sunday, 12 February 2012

Top 10 Trader Ribbons Winners – Sat. 11th

Hey Tinkas!

Today Pennie posted the Top 10 Trader Ribbon Winners of yesterdays trade! Here they are!

Trader Bumbleunder's Top Ten Trader Ribbon winners
Here are the latest Top 10 winners of the Trader Ribbon! Congrats all of you.
1. penguitt
2. Sprite
3. Gelu
4. Hisup
5. Cocoboy
6. Sandano
7. iDylan
8. Viper
9. Zmigiu
10. Dingodini
Well done also to the “Nifty Fifty”, the first 50 Tinkas who traded and received the ribbon.
Keep an eye on the Tinkazette for a heads-up on the Trader’s next appearance!
Congratulations Penguitt for his THIRD 1st Place Ribbon! I still need quite a few ribbons, hopefully I'll get them soon! I got a Nifty Fifty one yesterday! Will you trade in the next trade? Post a comment with your say!


Thursday, 9 February 2012

TinkaMaker & Inviter Panel Updated

Hey Tinkas!

Tinkatolli has recently updated the TinkaMaker & The Inviter Panel! The Tinka contest has returned, here are the updates.

I love the way you can Tweet your invite code and if you make a tinka! Its so awesome! It doesn't work on all browsers yet! It works on some! What do you think of these new features? Post a comment with your opinion!


Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Tinkazette - Woot Wednesday Winner & Traders Back Soon

Hey Tinkas!
Today Tinkatolli released a new edition of their daily newspaper! Today they have announced that Ctsheehy and that Trader will be back soon!

Woot Wednesday Winner -

Traders Back Soon -

That drawing is so awesome! I would be even more awesome coloured! I can't wait for Traders Return! Will you trade?


Monday, 6 February 2012

Tinkazette - Traders Coming Soon

Hey Tinkas!

Today Tinkatolli released a new edition of their dsily newspaper, The Tinkazette. Toyda they have announced that Trader is coming back to the island!

Traders Back Soon -

I can't wait for Trader to come with his ribbons! Will you trade? Post a comment with your say!

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