Friday, 9 November 2012

Unusuals Outlet Re-designed + New Unusuals

Hello tinkas :D
The staff today re-designed the Unusuals Outlet and this is how it looks -

And here are the new unusuals -

Now you can only buy the unusuals through trinkets. No more seeds.
All unusuals and their cost -
Potted Fleur DeFlax - 50
Potted Fleur DaZure - 50
Baambooshka Bigger Sister - 50
George Cutey - 150 [ Members Only ]
Monstro Inferno - 50
The White Pawn - 25
Maximillian Shell - 200 [ Members Only ]
Potted Fleur EnRose - 50
The Black Pawn - 25
Flatty Smiley - 5 [ Members Only ]
Betty Ross - 50
Union Of Jack - 50
LetterNumber L1 - 25
LetterNumber R1 - 25
The White Rook - 100
Impala Key - 100
Sticky Yellow BeachStripey - 150
GeeWhizWalley - 100 [ Members Only ]
Sticky Red BeachStripey - 150
Sticky Blue Beach Stripe  - 150 [ Members Only ]
Capo Soda - 25
Fab Fleur - 25
Sticky PinkSky - 150 [ Members Only ]
Sticky BlueSky - 150 [ Members Only ]
EeTee - 50
Monstro Eyes - 100
Iron Lung - 150
Sweaty Aqua Rope - 50
ICU - 50
Finiflex - 150
Orb of Massive Heaviness No.8 - 150
Tinkahead Pin - 25
Sunny Tunes Vol. - 150
Eau De Pew - 100
Cuppa Jug - 50
Bambooshka Middle Sister - 50
Sticky Yellow WallFlower - 150 [ Members Only ]
Little Bow Pinky - 25 [ Members Only ]
Fleur 120 - 20
Sparkling ChandlEar - 25 [ Members Only ]
Simian Link - 25 [ Members Only ]
Peter CrowFeet - 100
Bazooka Joe - 25
GrouchoEggo - 200
Norientator - 200 [ Members Only ]
Dapper Dipper - 150
Gold Ticker - 200 [ Members Only ]
SS Nautica 5 - 200 [ Members Only ]
Natalie WoodStove - 50 
Teddy Ross - 300
Shaft of Glowing Goo - 200 [ Members Only ]
Tumbling Tinkonrad - 200
Tobogganing Tinkinja - 200
Littery Loot - 200
Munki Pin - 25 [ Members Only ]


WOW those are lots of unusuals ^-^ My favorite is the teddy bear but i want all of them :P What are your favorite unusuals ? 


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