Monday, 30 January 2012

Tinkazette - Traders Back Soon

Hey Tinkas!

Today Tinkatolli released a new edition of their daily newspaper the Tinkazette! Today they have announced that Trader will be back soon! Here is the post!

Traders Back Soon -

Sadly I will be in scholl when this is happening! I wonder who will get all the ribbons and the Nifty Niftys! Will you trade? Post a comment with your say!


Sunday, 29 January 2012

Tinkazette - Traders Back

Hey Tinkas!

Today Tinkatolli released a new edition of their daily newspaper the Tinkazette! Today they have announced that Trader is back! Here is the post!

Traders Back -

Trader's Location - Canopia -

Trader's Offer -

Locations of Items -

Roses: Canopia

Blue Wire: Stinkatolli

Grill Stick: Canopia and Sundunia

Peg: Tinkertown and Sundunia

Passive Soldier: Stinkatolli and Junkatolli

This is an awesome trade! I love the wavey marble! I got a Nifty Fifty ribbon from this trade because I was asleep when Trader came! It was 3am for me! Did you trade? Post a comment with you say!


Saturday, 28 January 2012

New Author...Me! :)

Hey Tinkas!
Lukey has just added me as an author! Woot! You may know me from Tinkatolli, my username is Zane. I look forward to blogging with Lukey about all of the cool things in Tinkatolli. Talk to you all soon!


Friday, 27 January 2012

Tinkazette - TinkaPad of the Week Winner & Trader's Back Soon

Hey Tinkas!

Today Tinkatolli has released a new edition of their daily newspaper the Tinkazette! Today they have announced that Penguitt got TinkaPad of the Week and that Trader will be back soon! Here is the post!

TinkaPad of the Week Winner -

Exterior -


Interior -


Traders Coming Soon -

 Penguitt's pad is really awesome! If I went there I would bring my swimming stuff! What do you think of his pad? Are you gonna trade?  Post a comment with your opinion!


Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Tinkazette - Woot to Cherry!

Hey Tinkas!

Today Tinkatolli realeased a new edition of their daily newspaper, The Tinkazette! Today they have told us that Cherry! Here it is

Woot to Cherry -

This is a really awesome drawing! I know knm and Cherry! What do you think of it tinkas? Post a comment with your opinion!


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Trader's Top 10 Traders #9

Hey Tinkas!

Today Pennie posted the 9th Top Ten Trader Ribbon Winners for 24th Jan 12! Here they are!

Here are the latest Top 10 winners of the Trader Ribbon! Congrats all of you.
1. amy1995
2. Gelu
3. creator
4. penguitt
5. Carbon
6. Stef 20
7. pixieone09
8. Sweetflame12
9. tinkerone
10. Cheweh
Well done also to the “Nifty Fifty”, the first 50 Tinkas who traded and received the ribbon.
Keep an eye on the Tinkazette for a heads-up on the Trader’s next appearance!

Congrats to all the winners! I got my first Nifty Fifty today! Yay! Now I only need 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10! Well that is quite alot! Do you know anyone on the list? Post a comment with your say!

Tinkazette - Traders Back

Hey Tinkas!

Today Tinkatolli released new edition of their daily newspaper! Today they have announced that Trader is back with his usual Trader Ribbon including Nifty Fiftys!

Traders Back -

Trader's Location - Canopia -

Traders Offer -

Locations of items -

String: Sundunia & Tinkertown
Fuse 2: Canopia
Pink Pearl Loop: Tinkertown
Champagne Wire: Stinkatolli

I really like this offer! Except the items aren't really that rare at all! We should of got more seeds and TinkaPoints! What do you think of this trade? Post a comment with your opinion!



Monday, 23 January 2012

Tinkatolli Make-A-Makeable Bed Nominations Announced

Hey Tinkas!

Today Tinkatolli released the new nominations for the Make-a-Makeable Bed Contest! Here is the Tinkazette post and the nominations.

TinkaFair Nominations Released -

Nominations -

All the nominations look awesome! I voted for most but only the ones I really liked! What do you think of the nominations? Post a comment with your opinion!


Saturday, 7 January 2012

Trader Tinka Ribbon Winners #1

Hey Tinkas!

Luke posted the first top ten Trader Ribbon Winners on the Official Blog Tinkaboutit! Here is the post!

Trader Bumbleunder's Top Ten Trader Riboon winners

New Trader Tinka feature added!
The Trader Tinka will award a special numbered trader ribbon to the first 10 Tinkas to complete his deal!

Here are the very first top 10 winners! Well done to all of you.
1. Joelle
2. Solsolsol9
3. lukey140701
4. Loki Terry
5. amy1995
6. tinkarobert97
7. creator
8. celilo
9. Amyy
10. Kongregate
Keep an eye on the Tinkazette for a heads-up for when the Trader will arrive next!

Congrats to all the Winners especially Joelle!! Kongregate just managed to slip out the 10 Ribbon! Do you know any of the people who won ribbons? Post a comment with your say!


Tinkazette - Make a Makeable Bed Contest, New Nominations and Traders Back Soon (Late Post)

Hey Tinkas!

Two days ago Tinkatolli posted a New Makeable a Makeable Bed Contest! Yesterday they posted that there are New Nominations in the TinkaFair! Thats not all they also posted that Trader is Back Soon!
The nominations are awesome! The Trader Ribbons will we given to the 1st-10th People who trade!Here are all the posts!

Make-a-Makeable Bed Contest -

New Nominations -

Traders Back Soon -

I hope I get the 1 Ribbon! Last Time I got the Number 3 Ribbon! Joelle got the 1 Ribbon Last Time! My Next Post will be the list of the first ever ribbon Winners. Which ribbon do you guys want? Post a comment with your opinion!


Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Tinkazette - Woot Wednesday Winner & Traders Back

Hey Tinkas!

Today Tinkatolli relesed a new edition of their Daily Newspaper the Tinkazette! The news they shared with us today was that Amy1995 won WOOT! Wednesday and that The Trader Tinka was returned to the island with a new feature for us!

Woot Wednesday -


Amy is a really good friend of mine and she really deserved to get WOOT! Wednesday! Here is what she said

This is a drawing of my tinka amy19995 :) The treats that are being released on Tinkatolli are awesome, so that's why I drew my tinka surrounded by candy and berries!
Trader's Return -

Traders Location (Canopia) -

Traders Offer -
 Locations of Items -

Blue Pearl Loop x5 (Canopia & Junkatolli)
Champagne Cork (Junkatolli & Stinkatolli)
Jam Jar Lid (Tinkertown & Sundunia)
Light Globe Box (Sundunia & Tinakertown)
Snowberry Twig (Canopia)

New Feature -

I absolutely LOVE this feature! The list above is on who got which ribbon! A big congrats to JOELLE! She got the Very 1st Ribbon of the Very 1st Series! Post your opinions in comments!


Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Non-Members TinkaFair Update

Hey Tinkas!

Today on Twitter Tinkatolli tweeted a small update on their main account! It is about non-members and the TinkaFair. Here is a picture I took!

It says "Small ipdate. Non-members can now submit 2 creations a month to the Tinkafair." I love this new update! It gives non members a chance to show off their creativity! They could even manage to win "Woot Wednesday!" Do you like this update? Comment with your opinion!

Monday, 2 January 2012

Tinkazette - Happy New Year, TinkaPad of the Week Winner and Traders Back

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has released the new edition of their daily newspaper! They have told us the Tinkapad of the Week Winner, Wished Us a Happy New Year and told us Trader is back! The winner of this weeks TinkaPad Contest was Lukey140701 (Me)! I won the Rare TinkaPad of the Week badge and 150 seeds! Trader is Back with some awesome stuff!

Happy New Years -

TinkaPad Of The Week Winner -

Interior -


Exterior -


The Message I got from HQ -

Traders Back -

Location: Canopia -

Traders Offer -

Locations of items -

He wants
Nippon Stamp (Tinkertown & Junkatolli)
Pencil (Sundunia & Canopia and -Bluff's base)
Orange Wire (Stinkatolli)
Tea Spoon (Junkatolli and Sundunia)
4 Yellow Daisy Flower (Sundunia & Canopia)

We get
500 Seeds
50 TinkaPoints
A Green Sequin
A Grey Bread Tie

Thats alot of news! The Christmas decorations and items gave been take down except some items are still in the Mudpatch! The snow has melted! What do you think of my pad? What do you think about todays news? Post a comment with your opinion!

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