Saturday, 7 January 2012

Trader Tinka Ribbon Winners #1

Hey Tinkas!

Luke posted the first top ten Trader Ribbon Winners on the Official Blog Tinkaboutit! Here is the post!

Trader Bumbleunder's Top Ten Trader Riboon winners

New Trader Tinka feature added!
The Trader Tinka will award a special numbered trader ribbon to the first 10 Tinkas to complete his deal!

Here are the very first top 10 winners! Well done to all of you.
1. Joelle
2. Solsolsol9
3. lukey140701
4. Loki Terry
5. amy1995
6. tinkarobert97
7. creator
8. celilo
9. Amyy
10. Kongregate
Keep an eye on the Tinkazette for a heads-up for when the Trader will arrive next!

Congrats to all the Winners especially Joelle!! Kongregate just managed to slip out the 10 Ribbon! Do you know any of the people who won ribbons? Post a comment with your say!


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